Re: [escepticos] Magnífico artículo sobre el cambio climático
Carlos Dominguez
neuroglia.esceptica en
Mar Ago 21 01:09:36 WEST 2007
El día 20/08/07, alejandroborgo en <
alejandroborgo en> escribió:
> Veo que aquí se recurre frecuentemente al argumento de autoridad: "Nature
> publicó", "Fulano dijo", etc, y también al de la cantidad: "10.000científicos opinan que... por lo tanto tienen razón".
Bueno, aunque está muy bien examinar todo y no sacralizar a nadie,
comprenderás que uno tienda a prestar más atención o darle un crédito
superior a los argumentos de la Royal Society o a Nature o a Science o a
Scientific American que a Crichton o Lomborg con el respeto que me merezcan
las fantasías de Parque Jurásico y el autodefinido "cientista político"
nórdico. Es que el papel de víctimas incomprendidas por el establishment
científico ya nos suena conocido .
A propósito, el CFI dixit :
"CFI's paper on global climate change, written by Stuart D. Jordan, Ph.D,
offers compelling evidence from a large body of research that global climate
change caused by global warming is already underway and requires our
immediate attention. As the paper explains, the probability is extremely
high that human generated greenhouse gases, with carbon dioxide as the major
offender, are the primary cause of global warming and that this global
warming will produce harmful climate change. The paper also points out,
however, that much can be done now to mitigate the effects of global warming
and the associated climate change. Difficulties in addressing the problem
are not caused primarily by unavailable technology, but by the lack of
sufficient incentives to implement the new technologies more aggressively."
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