[escepticos] Fwd: [Irish Skeptics] Irish Skeptics Society public
lecture February 11th
Bastian Merlin
bassime en gmail.com
Mie Feb 11 10:16:29 WET 2009
Hola a tod en s,
Y la actualizacion.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Irish Skeptics <contact en irishskeptics.net>
Date: 2009/1/31
Subject: [Irish Skeptics] Irish Skeptics Society public lecture February 11th
To: irish-skeptics en googlegroups.com
Dear all,
February 12th next marks the bicentenary of the birth of Charles
Darwin. We celebrate the occasion on the eve of the anniversary with a
presentation by Professor Tom Hayden, School of Biology and
Environmental Science, University College Dublin
The title of professor Hayden's lecture is "Charles Darwin and the
Origin of Humans"
The presentation will review the early life of Charles Darwin and the
circumstances that brought him to his theory of evolution by natural
selection. His views on the origin of humans will be considered
particularly in the light of the evidence available to him. Finally
the rapid accumulation of palaeontological and genetic evidence since
Darwin's death and how it has shaped our current ideas on the origin
and affinities of humans will be outlined.
The lecture will take place at 8.00pm on Wednesday February 11th in
the Gandon North Suite, Davenport Hotel, Merrion Square, Dublin 2
Admission for members (and concessions) is €3 and for non members is €6
Looking forward to your company for our first lecture of 2009
With Best Wishes,
Noirin Buckley
on behalf of the ISS
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