[escepticos] Fwd: [Irish Skeptics] Irish Skeptics Society public
lecture February 11th
Bastian Merlin
bassime en gmail.com
Mie Feb 11 10:15:33 WET 2009
Hola a tod en s,
Lo siento, se me paso reenviarlo.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Irish Skeptics <contact en irishskeptics.net>
Date: 2009/1/21
Subject: [Irish Skeptics] Irish Skeptics Society public lecture February 11th
To: irish-skeptics en googlegroups.com
Dear all,
Happy new year.
A quick note to let you know that we will begin the ISS 2009 lecture
series on Wednesday February 11th. Professor Tom Hayden, UCD School of
Biology and Environmental Science, will address us on the topic of
Charles Darwin and Human Evolution.
We are very pleased to host this lecture on the eve of Charles
Darwin's 200th birthday.
The lecture will be held at 8.00pm in the Davenport Hotel, Merrion Sq,
Dublin 2.
Further details will be emailed shortly.
With best wishes,
Noirin Buckley
on behalf of the ISS
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