[escepticos] Luces Rojas (Pelicula)

Eduardo Peiré edupeire en hotmail.com
Mar Sep 11 09:05:40 WEST 2012

Lo que dice el director -Tim Robbins- en una entrevista:

"HARLIE ROSE: -what led one person to commit murder and what led other people,
feeling that the only justice is that that person gives up his life for taking
their loved ones' lives.

TIM ROBBINS: Right.  Well, I wanted to- you know, it's really- the bottom line
on the movie is - and the story Sister Helen wrote - it's a, it's a movie about
love and compassion, and also about violence and our own capacity for violence
and our own capacity for revenge.  And in, in dealing with this, I just felt it
was really important to, to not make judgments, you know, because I had to
address my own feeling about it, you know.  And there- quite frankly, if I was
in a similar circumstance, I would definitely have feelings of revenge.

CHARLIE ROSE: If someone murdered your children, you'd want to go-

TIM ROBBINS: Well, God forbid, you know, but you can definitely understand it.
It's a very human thing.  And, you know, the question becomes, well, you know,
in the moment, of course.  Of course you're going to defend your loved ones and,
and be retributive to any violence that happens to them.  The question is, is a,
is a little more complicated when it's the state carrying it out, and it's, you
know, six months later or six years later.  But in- my own views on the, on the
subject were, were not as, as important as telling this story the way it's
written in this book.  And it's complicated, you know.  It's something you've
got to be able to understand, and I didn't want to, I didn't want to pass
judgment.  I wanted to give these people dignity, you know"

> Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 09:43:14 +0200
> Subject: Re: [escepticos] Luces Rojas (Pelicula)
> From: joseangel en morente.org
> To: escepticos en dis.ulpgc.es
> 2012/9/11 Jose Manuel Fernandez <djhulk29 en hotmail.com>:
> >> Y el final suele ser similar: se descubre
> >> que el preso en realidad sí era un cruel asesino (siempre de alguna
> >> jovencita, claro, como en aquella de Sean Penn) y que por tanto merecía
> >> morir, y casi se comete el error de indultarlo.
> >
> > Bueno, dudo que esa fuera la conclusión a la que llegaba Pena de
> > Muerte, dirigida por Tim Robbins y protagonizada por su mujer Susan
> > Sarandon, ambos conocidos progresistas. Antes al contrario, la
> > conclusión a la que se llegaba era que a pesar de haber matado a
> > aquella pareja, matar a alguien en castigo está mal.
> La conclusión de esa película es que el protagonista, interpretado por
> Sean Penn, reconoce su culpabilidad que ha estado negando durante toda
> la película y él mismo se va como corderito a que le pongan la
> inyección letal (previa despedida lacrimógena con su familia, así como
> si es que se fuese de vacaciones).
> -- 
> http://misshapenreality.blogspot.com/
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