[escepticos] Cortar o no cortar

Claudio J. Chiabai chiabaiclaudio en gmail.com
Mie Mar 9 19:19:20 WET 2011

On Miércoles 09 Marzo 2011 16:09:03 José Á. Morente escribió:
> Como se comentaba en el link que puse antes, la mayoría de estudios
> que hay indican con bastante claridad que la eficacia para disminuir
> el riesgo de contagio es bastante palpable.


Hasta parece no recomendable en infantes.

Potential complications and harms from circumcision52
Risks and harms of circumcision have to be considered before
any mass circumcision programme could be adopted. A
neonatal circumcision complication rate of 20.2% was found
in Nigeria;53 risks of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
and other infections in newborns increase;54-57 and even deaths
and severe complications resulting in lifelong disability have
occurred.58 Meatal stenosis affects 5 - 10% of circumcised infant
males. Sexual side-effects and sensitivity loss,59,60 as well as
psychological consequences including an infant analogue of
post-traumatic stress syndrome61,62 and addictive behaviours,63
are some more controversial claims. Whether controversial or
not these claims need to be carefully considered, particularly in
the context where neonatal circumcision is performed without
analgesia or anaesthesia.64

Saludos ... Claudio
CJCBlog - http://chiabai.com.ar
"Por que Psicoanálisis no es igual a Psicología".

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