Re: [escepticos] ¿Infiltraciones de ozono para dolor de espalda?

Inés G.A.T. inesucu en
Mie Nov 4 22:41:00 WET 2009

Ramón, ¿se sabe gracias a qué mecanismo alivian el dolor las
inyecciones intramusculares de oxígeno-ozono, en los casos en los que
lo alivian? No acierto a imaginarlo.

Me llama la atención el hilo, por el pedazo de texto que acaba de
enviar Ramón y por la siguiente experiencia personal con los dolores
lumbares y las inyecciones:

Hace tiempo un médico de medicina interna me inyectó algo (demonios,
no recuerdo qué) para tratarme el dolor en la zona lumbar. Lo que me
pareció curioso es que otro médico se mostró bastante escéptico al
conocer el procedimiento de su colega... en mi memoria, los
comentarios del "médico escéptico" quedaron archivados como "eso es
algo así como los remedios homeopáticos", pero temo que mi memoria
exagere el grado de menosprecio de un médico por el proceder del otro.
Yo noté un ligero y pasajero alivio que ahora atribuyo a cierta
sensación de calor, porque, al cabo del tiempo, y tras haberme
sometido a tediosas gimnasias para la espalda, mi dolor en la zona
lumbar resultó ser endometriosis. (No digo yo que la gimnasia haya
sido inútil... pero dejó paso al quirófano y a las inyecciones

El día 4 de noviembre de 2009 23:09, Ramon Diaz-Alersi
<ramon.diazalersi en> escribió:
> Perdón, este debí haberlo enviado en primer lugar:
> Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2009 Jun 1;34(13):1337-44. Intramuscular oxygen-ozone
> therapy in the treatment of acute back pain with lumbar disc herniation: a
> multicenter, randomized, double-blind, clinical trial of active and
> simulated lumbar paravertebral injection. Paoloni M, Di Sante L, Cacchio A,
> Apuzzo D, Marotta S, Razzano M, Franzini M, Santilli V. Physical Medicine
> and Rehabilitation Unit, Azienda Policlinico Umberto I, Rome, Italy.
> paolonim en
> STUDY DESIGN: Multicenter randomized, double-blind, simulated
> therapy-controlled trial in a cohort of patients with acute low back pain
> (LBP) due to lumbar disc herniation (LDH).
> OBJECTIVE: To assess the benefit of intramuscular-paravertebral injections
> of an oxygen-ozone (O2O3) mixture.
> SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Recent findings have shown that O2O3 therapy can
> be used to treat LDH that fails to respond to conservative management.
> However, these findings are based on intradiscal/intraforaminal O2O3
> injection, whereas intramuscular-paravertebral injection is the technique
> used most in clinical practice in Italy and other Western countries.
>  METHODS: Sixty patients suffering from acute LBP caused by LDH was
> randomized to an intramuscular O2O3 or control group. Patients were observed
> up to assess pain intensity, LBP-related disability, and drug intake (15
> [V2] and 30 [V3] days after treatment started, and 2 weeks [V4], and 3 [V5]
> and 6 [V6] months after treatment ended).
> RESULTS: A significant difference between the 2 groups in the percentage of
> cases who had become pain-free (61% vs. 33%, P < 0.05) was observed at V6.
> Patients who received O2O3 had a lower mean pain score than patients who
> received simulated therapy throughout the observation period. A significant
> improvement was observed in LBP-related disability in the study group
> patients when compared with the control group patients. Active O2O3 therapy
> was followed by a significantly lower number of days on nonsteroidal
> anti-inflammatory drugs at V2 and V3 and by a lower number of days at V4. No
> adverse events were reported.
> CONCLUSION: Treatment of LBP and sciatica is a major concern. Although the
> natural history of acute LBP is often self-limiting, conservative therapies
> are not always effective; in such cases, O2O3 intramuscular lumbar
> paravertebral injections, which are minimally invasive, seem to safely and
> effectively relieve pain, as well as reduce both disability and the intake
> of analgesic drugs.
> Saludos.
> ---
> Ramón Díaz-Alersi
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Inés G.A.T.

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