[escepticos] Crudiveganos

Gololo telejos en gmail.com
Lun Mar 17 21:57:03 WET 2008

> El otro día estuve escuchando el Podcast "Skeptics Guide to the Galaxy" y
> hablaban de lo de McCain. Pero al parecer no era el único, porque Steven
> Novella comentaba que Hillary Clinton también había incluído algo sobre las
> vacunas en su discurso/programa electoral; si bien era una mención no muy
> clara, y con la intención de arañar unos pocos votos.
> Creo que he borrado el Podcast al que hago referencia, pero en la web no
> debería ser difícil de encontrar. A ver si tengo un poco de tiempo entre
> mascletà y mascletà y lo busco :-D
> Saludos
He decidido postesgar mi ducha pre-fiesta un poco y buscar el podcast :-D
Transcribo (lo más fiel que puedo):

"[...] John Mc Cain when thrown a question recently about autism and
vaccines, actually, made some very very unscientific comments. He said and
he is quoted by ABC News as saying: 'It's indisputable that autism is on the
rise amongst the children. The question is what is causing it. And we go
back and forth and there is strong evidence that indicates that it's got to
do with the preservatives in vaccines'. Wrong and wrong. Both of those..
both the factual scientific claims that were made in the statement were
actually incorrect. it's not indisputable that autism is on the rise [...]
and there is no credible evidence that there's any link between vaccines, or
thymerosol, the preservative in some vaccines, and autism [...]"

Así que queda claro que este hombre, McCain, o tiene muy malos consejeros
científicos o realmente se cree lo que está diciendo.
Por otro lado, el Dr. Novella sigue diciendo un poco más adelante:

"[...] Out of interest and just to be a little thorough, just to be fair
really, I checked out the other still two viable candidates in the current
American presidential elections: Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama; just to
see whether if they had anything to say about this issue. You know, you dont
wanna single anybody out. Now, Hillary Clinton, you know, she's making
health care a centre piece of her campaign. So she had a lot to say actually
about autism but a lot of it is and this is officially on her website, this
is like.. a position on it and she's also spoken a quit a bit about it.
She's focused a lot in health care delivery... into what we are gonna get
more, you know, delivery of care to people with autism. And she also talks a
lot about funding more research. And all of her statements on her website
[...] are reasonably scientific. She only said one thing which I thought
inappropriate.  [...] She wants to increase expenditure on research and
specifically says:  'We need to find the cause of autism. We need to do
research into the causes of autism, including possible environmental
causes.' Now... it's subtle, it's subtle [...] But it's not accidental that
you would put that statement in there [...]"

En mi opinión, en el caso de McCain es porque cree que lo que dice es
cierto. En el caso de HIllary, me parece que es porque quiere rebañar unos
cuantos votos, sin cabrear a sus electores más inteligentes.


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