Re: [escepticos] Más analogías sobre economía
Pedro J. Hdez
phergont en
Vie Abr 20 18:53:24 WEST 2012
El día 20 de abril de 2012 08:51, David Revilla <davidrev en> escribió:
> Si, a mi se me hace difícil pensar en una física de izquierdas y otra de
> derechas, pero bueno, tampoco publico en publicaciones de impacto, qué sabré
> yo.
Por ejemplo
"Ideological considerations have always influenced science, but rarely
as directly and massively as in the Soviet Union during the early Cold
War period. Cosmology was among the sciences that became heavily
politicized and forced to conform to the doctrines of
Marxism-Leninism. This field of science developed entirely differently
in the Communist countries than in the West, in large measure because
of political pressure. Certain cosmological models, in particular of
the big bang type, were declared pseudo-scientific and idealistic
because they implied a cosmic creation, a concept which was taken to
be religious. The result of the ideological pressure was not an
independent Soviet cosmology, but that astronomers and physicists
abandoned cosmological research in the Western sense. Only in the
1960s did this situation change, and cosmology in the Soviet Union
began to flourish. The paper examines the relationship between science
and political ideology in the case of the Soviet Union from about 1947
to 1963, and it also relates this case to the later one in the
People's Republic of China. "
Pedro J.
> El 20/04/2012 8:49, José Ángel Morente escribió:
>> On Apr 20, 2012 1:36 AM, "Abelardo Canalejo Quiles"<
>> abelardocanalejo en> wrote:
>>> [José Luis Ferreira]
>>> Cualquier libro de texto de introducción a la Economía. Si eres de
>>> izquierdas te recomiendo el de Stiglitz. Si eres de derechas, el de
>>> Mankiw.
>>> Yo lo haría al revés. Es importante no acabar leyendo lo que uno quiere
>> ver. :D
>> Pero teóricamente debe ser lo mismo, ya que habíamos quedado en que la
>> ideología aquí no pintaba nada... ¿O es que ahora sí?
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> *David Revilla*
> davidrev en
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Pedro J. Hernández
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