[escepticos] En USA también deben haber economistas magufos...
José María Mateos
chema en rinzewind.org
Mar Abr 17 12:20:51 WEST 2012
On 17/04/2012 13:10, Paco Gaspar wrote:
> In response to the growing crisis, meanwhile, the EU is insisting on more
> "austerity"-- cuts in Spain's government spending. The theory is that these
> will reduce deficits and improve confidence, but in practice the opposite
> is the case. Starting with Greece, "austerity" measures have made the
> situation in several countries worse, not better, because they have led to
> higher unemployment (as government workers are fired), reduced services
> (leading to social unrest), and more economic weakness (as overall spending
> shrinks).
Si me dices que esto lo has sacado de un artículo cualquiera de Krugman,
me lo creo. Lleva diciéndolo años.
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