RE: [escepticos] También el mundo macroscópico

JM Mulet jmmulet en
Vie Dic 17 15:03:57 WET 2010

Bueno, a Einstein le dieron el nobel por explicar el movimiento browniano.
Algo por el estilo.

Saludos cordiales,


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De: escepticos-bounces en [mailto:escepticos-bounces en]
En nom de Miguel A.
Enviat: viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2010 15:55
Per a: 'Lista Escépticos'
Tema: [escepticos] También el mundo macroscópico

Esto es tan bueno como el licor arsenical para crecimiento de bacterias:
Physicists observe quantum properties in the world of objects
Demonstration ties the physics of the ultrasmall to the everyday
April 10th, 2010; 

Quantum objectA close-up view of the very small resonator, taken with a
scanning electron microscope, used in the first demonstration of quantum
behavior in an everyday object. The resonator is made of a thin film of
aluminum nitride sandwiched between aluminum layers. The mechanically active
part of the structure is the quadrilateral shape in the center. A.

Physicists have demonstrated behavior governed by rules of the quantum
world, which operate at the level of atoms, in mechanical objects large
enough to see.

The accomplishment fulfills a long-held dream to bridge the quantum and
everyday worlds. One day, researchers say, mechanical devices in a
laboratory might be manipulated according to the rules of single atoms —
paving the way to quantum information processing or probing other unusual
behaviors of the subatomic world.

“This is groundbreaking work,” says Markus Aspelmeyer, a physicist at the
University of Vienna in Austria who was not affiliated with the work. “Now
the door is open. Now the fun begins.”

Miguel A

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