[escepticos] Manyana la NASA anuncia un descubrimiento
en astrobiologia
El Teleoperador
elteleoperador en gmail.com
Mie Dic 1 13:20:27 WET 2010
"Descubierta una bacteria capaz de sobrevivir en arsénico".
Ya está, eso es todo. Ahora llega el cancamuso del marketing de la NASA
y dice "A lo mejor hay bacterias extraterrestres que también sobreviven
en condiciones extremas". Y cualquier persona normal respondería "Pues a
lo mejor sí o a lo mejor no, y si mi abuelo tuviera ruedas sería una
bici" y pasaría del tema. Pero un ser infrahumano como un periodista no,
enseguida da otra vuelta de tuerca y ve "little green men".
Menos mal que estamos llamados a la extinción porque vaya tela...
El 01/12/2010 13:52, José María Mateos escribió:
> 2010/12/1 Manuel Herman<kanijoman en gmail.com>:
>> Según todos los expertos, algo GRANDE, no va a ser. La NASA es experta en
>> montar 'hypes' de este tipo para generar publicidad.
> Justamente me acabo de enterar de que se ha roto el embargo:
> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1334628/Astrobiology-findings-Alien-bacteria-lives-arsenic-Californian-lake-opens-search-life-planets.html
> Pego parte debajo, por si las moscas:
> -----
> Nasa scientists are set to announce that bacteria have been discovered
> that can survive in arsenic, an element previously though too toxic to
> support life, it can be revealed.
> In a press conference scheduled for tomorrow evening, researchers will
> unveil the discovery of the incredible microbe in a lake in
> California.
> The remarkable discovery raises the prospect that life could exist on
> other planets which do not have phosphorus in the atmosphere, which
> had previously been thought vital for life to begin.
> But it will come as a major disappointment for those who had hoped
> that Nasa was about to announce that it had found life on other
> planets.
> Nasa had sparked alien hysteria around the world with its announcement
> of a major press conference to be held tomorrow. It induced feverish
> debate as to whether scientists were about to announce that they had
> discovered life on other worlds.
> But after The Sun broke the embargo on the story this morning it can
> be revealed that the truth is rather closer to home.
> The scientists discovered the bacteria in Mono Lake in California's
> Yosemite National Park.
> The space agency had said it plans to reveal an 'astrobiology finding
> that will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life' but
> the information was under embargo until 7pm GMT.
> The announcement caused frenzied speculation on the internet.
> 'Did they find ET?', asked one headline in the U S., while another
> wrote, 'Has NASA found little green men?'
> Speculation has ramped up around the world about the mystery
> information and buoyed people who already believe in aliens.
> One said on U.S. news website MSNBC, 'It's still hard for me to
> understand why people can't accept that aliens exist... ET is real'.
> 'Fact is, life is everywhere,' another wrote. 'I don't need some BS
> announcement to know it because I have common sense.'
> A newspaper in South Korea proclaimed 'Nasa to hold news conference on
> alien life'.
> The event will be streamed live on the internet tomorrow evening.
> -----
> Saludos.
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