[escepticos] Fwd: The Enemy Is Ignorance

Bastian Merlin bassime en gmail.com
Vie Dic 4 16:37:52 WET 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Committee for Skeptical Inquiry <info en csicop.org>
Date: 2009/12/3
Subject: The Enemy Is Ignorance
To: David Fernandez <bassime en gmail.com>

     *Subscribe to Skeptical
|  Committee for Skeptical Inquiry <http://www.csicop.org/>   |   Make a
donation online <http://csicop.org/about/donate.html>*

  Dear XX,

The lights are dimming. They're dimming across the culture.

And they may be dimming—in a big way—right here at the SKEPTICAL INQUIRER.
Not to be too blunt, your immediate decision of support could make all the

William Brody, president of Johns Hopkins University, said, “We must all
beware the very real and understandable human tendency to ignore or subvert
facts, and findings of science, that discomfort us for reasons of ideology,
politics, religion, or personal taste.” I totally agree.   The enemy is
ignorance. As long as irresponsible claims continue to cloud our skies, the
SKEPTICAL INQUIRER will continue to shine the light of reason on them. We
are busier than ever, and the work we do has never been more important.

A plethora of ridiculous media reports surge into my office like waves at
the beach: the UFOs and hauntings, lake monsters, New Age medicines, crystal
therapies, and the face of Jesus on everything. Then there are the doomsday
cults, faith-healers, mind readers, fake scientists, and fake research: all
of them purveyors of fear and darkness. Here is an outrageous example of
what we are up against: *on the ballot in Denver, CO is an initiative asking
voters to approve $100,000 for the creation of a seven-person commission to
study UFOs!!* See more about this story by clicking

You make the work possible. Without your support, the forces of ignorance
will have fewer obstacles, and I fear they will prevail unless we are able
to continue to shine light on them.

There is a crisis facing the SKEPTICAL INQUIRER. Economically, this has been
one of the darkest years I can recall in my time. Income for the last fiscal
year decreased by nearly $100,000, forcing us to cut our expenses

The SKEPTICAL INQUIRER hasn’t had the funds to undertake a major promotional
campaign for the magazine in a couple of years. The results of this are
showing in our subscription base. This is worrisome because while it’s true
that promotional campaigns cost a great deal of money upfront, it is the way
that we bring on new readers, new skeptics, and new supporters. Fewer
readers coming on board now means a smaller pool renewing their
subscriptions in the future. A vicious downward cycle ensues.

I also realize all too well that suffering is widespread in today’s economy.
I have little choice but to ask you for help so that we can continue
investigating the never-ending claims from a seemingly unending pool of
shammers and scammers, those who take advantage of the ignorant and the

In the end, it’s up to you and me. Your decision of support, alongside that
of thousands of others, can make all the difference in the world.

*Please help us keep shining the lights on shammers and scammers by clicking
here <https://secure.ga1.org/05/Shine> to make a gift.*

Thank you!


Barry Karr
Executive Director

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Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal, or
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Porque no sueño, se que lo estoy.

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