[escepticos] El arca de la alianza era un condensador...
morkarn en gmail.com
Jue Mar 20 11:59:47 WET 2008
Buscando en Internet he encontrado referencias sobre el episodio en cuestión
y realmente no desmontaron el mito, llegaron a la conclusión de que era
Copio y pego:
Ancient electricity
Myth: based on single piece of archeological evidence: in the 1930s an urn
was found in Baghdad 250bc - 250ad, found copper pipe, iron rod in center,
cork made of asphalt at the top, and residue of acidic liquid on the inside.
Was this an ancient battery?
Modern batteries were invented 200 years ago, but the battery-like jar that
dates back 2000 years. The build team was used to investigate the jar to see
if it could, in fact, be a battery, and also to figure out what potential
uses of a battery from that time might be.
They made 10 terra cotta jars that were 6" high, 1.5" hole in top and then
inserted an iron bar wrapped in a copper tube. For the acidic contents they
first did a demonstration/test with a basic lemon battery: zinc, copper, and
a lemon. The acidic lemon juice strips electrons off the copper that flow to
the zinc, creating a charge. Using iron instead of zinc (to stay accurate to
the archeological find) they got 1/3 of the volts.
With the full array of 10 pots they were able to generate 4 volts -- not the
most powerful battery, but definitely *plausible*.
What was it used for?
Three possible uses that people have speculated:
1. electro-plating
2. pain relief with accupuncture
3. experiencing God
Jamie felt that it was #3
Accupuncture has been around for over 2000 years.
Tested accupuncture with battery on Scottie -- a little rougher than modern
charge techniques, but it works. However, on at least one of the needles,
got a little too warm and they took it off.
The electro-plating experiment worked as well: they were able to plate a
small medallion.
Experiencing 'God'
The idea for this one was that the electric current was run through a
religious artifact that people would then touch to 'experience God.'
Tory built a 'replica Ark of the Convenant' to test #3. Kari handled the two
golden angels for the top of the Ark (one Adam angel and one Jamie angel).
She did a stunningly good job -- her statue-making talent is not one they've
shown off befeore.
Tory and Kari electrified the angels by hooking up the electric fense
transformer (10,000 volts, but low amps) and proceeded to shocked the hell
out of Tory and Scottie. They then had to decide whether to do the same to
Adam (use the same amount of volts or lower it)...
... Adam was pissed.
All three potential uses of the ancient battery: *plausible*
2008/3/20 PsykoMartuky <morkarn en gmail.com>:
> Si no recuerdo mal en un episodio de Mythbusters desmontaban este mito de
> las baterías de Baghdad y el arca de la alianza, además de gastarle una
> broma muy pesada a Adam con una descarga eléctrica con una batería de verdad
> que le sentó a cuerno quemado. Es el mismo episodio en el que buscaban la
> manera más efectiva de enfriar un pack de latas de cerveza.
> 2008/3/20 Marcelo Huerta <marcelo.huerta en gmail.com>:
> Gel escribió:
> >
> > > Hace tiempo vi en Discovery Channel un documental en el que proponian
> > > esta ¿hipótesis?, así que la ocurrencia debe venir de lejos...
> >
> > Yo por lo pronto la leí en un libro de Von Däniken. Si no recuerdo mal
> > era Recuerdos del Futuro.
> >
> > --
> >
> > o-=< Marcelo >=-o
> >
> > -Creo que no he tenido el placer.
> > -Sí, sabía eso de los escarrianos.
> > (Cargn, Aeryn Sun, "Farscape")
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Escepticos mailing list
> > Escepticos en dis.ulpgc.es
> > http://correo.dis.ulpgc.es/mailman/listinfo/escepticos
> >
> --
> "And now here is my secret, a very simple secret;
> it is only with the heart that one can see rightly,
> what is essential is invisible to the eye."
"And now here is my secret, a very simple secret;
it is only with the heart that one can see rightly,
what is essential is invisible to the eye."
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