[escepticos] Professor Kirsch y antidepresivos

Inés Toledo inesucu en gmail.com
Mar Feb 26 11:21:58 WET 2008

Buscando información en medios internacionales sobre el debate
Rajoy-Zapatero, acabo recalando en una historia sobre
antidepresivos... Era previsible.

Me he topado con esto:


Corto y pego un párrafo:

"The study, by Irving Kirsch, from the Department of Psychology at the
University of Hull, is the first to examine both published and
unpublished evidence of the effectiveness of selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which account for 16 million NHS
prescriptions a year. It suggests that the effectiveness of the drugs
may have been exaggerated in the past by drugs companies
cherry-picking the best results for publication."

Por favor, ¿alguien sabe algo de este señor (Irving Kirsch), y de este
estudio, o puede comentarlo con conocimiento de causa?

Irving Kirsch tiene una página personal: http://psy.hull.ac.uk/Staff/i.kirsch/




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