[escepticos] sciencehack

sucedaneo casisucedaneo en gmail.com
Mar Oct 16 23:05:46 WEST 2007

Rubén Villoria escribió:
> hola, me acaban de mandar esto, me temo que no tengo tiempo ni para
> mirarlo con tranquilidad. Quizá merezca la pena.
> ...................................................................
> http://sciencehack.com/
>  ScienceHack es un sitio con aspecto webdosceriano que se dedica a
> recopilar vídeos de diversas fuentes, todos ellos relacionados con temas
> científicos y tecnológicos. Se clasifican por categorías y se etiquetan,
> de modo que son fáciles de encontrar. 

() entre la publicidad que acompaña cada página de presentación me llamó 
la atención esta: http://tinyurl.com/2ywse4 acompañada del, para mi, 
sugestivo texto "Future Human Evolution Eugenics in the 21st Century"


PD: del encabezado de la página del enlace:

"Executive Summary

The Most Widely Read Book On Eugenics Ever Written

Evolutionary selection has been radically relaxed in the human species 
as a result of the development of civilization, science in general, and 
medicine in particular. While these advances have hugely benefited 
current populations, they have to a significant degree released the 
species from the biological process which created it and maintains its 
viability. Formerly, natural selection took place largely as a result of 
differential mortality, but now that most people survive well beyond 
their child bearing years, selection is determined largely by 
differential fertility. Aside from genetic illnesses, this new selection 
is also characterized by a negative correlation between fertility and 
intelligence–the core of eugenic concern for over a century.

Eugenics views itself as the fourth leg of the chair of civilization, 
the other three being a) a thrifty expenditure of natural resources, b) 
mitigation of environmental pollution, and c) maintenance of a human 
population not exceeding the planet’s carrying capacity. Eugenics, which 
can be thought of as human ecology, is thus part and parcel of the 
environmental movement. Humanity is defined, not as the totality of the 
currently living population, but as the number of people who will 
potentially ever live. This is a book about the struggle for human 
rights and parental responsibility."

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