[escepticos] Sobre el Big Bang
Carlos Ungil
carlos.ungil en bluewin.ch
Lun Nov 5 07:52:17 WET 2007
Hola, hola.
El Nov 5, 2007, a las 7:59 AM, Ramón Ordiales escribió:
>> Los objetos sujetos a interacciones gravitatorias (o de otro
>> tipo) no se expanden como el espacio, de lo >contrario,
>> precisamente no se percibiría la expansión del Universo...
>> Miguel A
> ¿Cómo que no se expanden? Todo se expande!!!
> Lo que pasa es que junto con el objeto que se expande... se expande
> tu REGLA de medir!!! (y tu reloj)
¿Estás seguro? Este articulo de Scientific America dice lo contrario:
Misconceptions about the Big Bang
Copio parte de la ultima sección:
Is Brooklyn Expanding?
In Annie Hall, the movie character played by the young Woody Allen
explains to his doctor and mother why he can't do his homework. "The
universe is expanding.¿ The universe is everything, and if it's
expanding, someday it will break apart and that would be the end of
everything!" But his mother knows better: "You're here in Brooklyn.
Brooklyn is not expanding!"
His mother is right. Brooklyn is not expanding. People often assume
that as space expands, everything in it expands as well. But this is
not true. Expansion by itself--that is, a coasting expansion neither
accelerating nor decelerating--produces no force. Photon wavelengths
expand with the universe because, unlike atoms and cities, photons
are not coherent objects whose size has been set by a compromise
among forces. A changing rate of expansion does add a new force to
the mix, but even this new force does not make objects expand or
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