a Ale Borgo sobre el calientamiento global de nuevo.... era
Re:[escepticos] Re: palo a Dawkins?
Carlos Alvarez
cbalvarez en gmail.com
Sab Dic 1 18:20:22 WET 2007
On Nov 30, 2007 6:39 PM, Alejandro Borgo <alejandroborgo en fibertel.com.ar> wrote:
> Había consenso científico con respecto al éter, hasta que llegó Einstein. Así que un sólo
> científico derribó todo un andamiaje "consensuado" y "probado". Cuidado, no pongamos el
> carro delante del caballo: no alarmemos a la población con afirmaciones catastrofistas sin
> antes tener las pruebas cuidadosamente obtenidas.
Bien!!!. Te citar la confusión entre tiempo meteorológico y clima y
están las dos burradas más grandes que dice el artículo de John Gibbs
en la última Pensar.
De 'los principios de la física matemática', por Henri Poincaré,
aproximadamente un año antes del famoso 'sobre la electrodinámica de
los cuerpos en movimiento':
"Consider two electrified bodies; though they seem to us at rest, they
are both carried along by the motion of the earth; an electric charge
in motion, Rowland has taught us, is equivalent to a current; these
two charged bodies are, therefore, equivalent to two parallel currents
of the same sense and these two currents should attract each other. In
measuring this attraction, we measure the velocity of the earth; not
its velocity in relation to the sun or the fixed stars, but its
absolute velocity.
I well know what one will say, it is not its absolute velocity that is
measured, it is its velocity in relation to the ether. How
unsatisfactory that is! Is it not evident that from the principle so
understood we could no longer get anything? It could no longer tell us
anything just because it would no longer fear any contra-diction. "
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