[escepticos] Programa que "explica" los aditivos de los alimentos.

david en puntoque.net david en puntoque.net
Lun Ene 19 09:07:23 WET 2009

Al final del link aparece un programilla freeware al que le metes el número 
de aditivo y te suelta de qué está hecho y, se supone, los peligros para la 
salud. Me da la espina por lo que he visto de que miente como un bellaco... 
Pero bueno, me he acordado de vosotros:
Food Additives 1.0 (95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista)
 Check if the food you buy contains additives dangerous to your health. Have 
you ever wondered what all of those e-numbers actually mean? This free 
application contains list of food additives by e-number or by name telling 
you which to avoid.
Also additives that children, asthmatics, vegetarians and people with health 
problems should avoid.
- Search by additive e-number (e.g. E325, E133 ...)
- Search by additive name
- See health warnings, risks and if additive is banned - See if additive is 
from animal origin
- Freeware! 

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