Re: [escepticos] Científicos asesinados tras conferencia

jmcc jorgecaldeiracorreia en
Dom Jun 29 17:21:50 WEST 2008

¿Por qué se comenta esta noticia de hace 6 años hoy? ¿Cuáles son las novedades?

¿Pueden aportar vínculos a las fuentes del texto citado, de ser
posible la original?



2008/6/27, barrueco en <barrueco en>:
> Esto sin embargo pertenece al mundo real ... la
> interpretación ya es otra cosa.
> Scientists' deaths are under the microscope
> Saturday, May 4, 2002
> Eleven microbiologists mysteriously dead over the span of
> just five
> months. Some of them world leaders in developing
> weapons-grade
> biological plagues. Others the best in figuring out how to
> stop
> millions from dying because of biological weapons. Still
> others,
> experts in the theory of bioterrorism.
> Throw in a few Russian defectors, a few nervy U.S. biotech
> companies,
> a deranged assassin or two, a bit of Elvis, a couple of
> Satanists, a
> subtle hint of espionage, a big whack of imagination, and
> the plot is
> complete, if a bit reminiscent of James Bond.
> The first three died in the space of just over a week in
> November.
> Benito Que, 52, was an expert in infectious diseases and
> cellular
> biology at the Miami Medical School. Police originally
> suspected that
> he had been beaten on Nov. 12 in a carjacking in the medical
> school's
> parking lot. Strangely enough, though, his body showed no
> signs of a
> beating. Doctors then began to suspect a stroke.
> Just four days after Dr. Que fell unconscious came the
> mysterious
> disappearance of Don Wiley, 57, one of the foremost
> microbiologists
> in the United States. Dr. Wiley, of the Howard Hughes
> Medical
> Institute at Harvard University, was an expert on how the
> immune
> system responds to viral attacks such as the classic
> doomsday plagues
> of HIV, ebola and influenza.
> He had just bought tickets to take his son to Graceland the
> following
> day. Police found his rental car on a bridge outside
> Memphis, Tenn.
> His body was later found in the Mississippi River. Forensic
> experts
> said he may have had a dizzy spell and have fallen off the
> bridge.
> Just five days after that, the world-class microbiologist
> and
> high-profile Russian defector Valdimir Pasechnik, 64, fell
> dead. The
> pathologist who did the autopsy, and who also happened to be
> associated with Britain's spy agency, concluded he died of a
> stroke.
> Dr. Pasechnik, who defected to the United Kingdom in 1989,
> played a
> huge role in Russian biowarfare and helped to figure out how
> to
> modify cruise missiles to deliver the agents of mass
> biological
> destruction.
> The next two deaths came four days apart in December. Robert
> Schwartz, 57, was stabbed and slashed with what police
> believe was a
> sword in his farmhouse in Leesberg, Va. His daughter, who
> identifies
> herself as a pagan high priestess, and several of her fellow
> pagans
> have been charged.
> Dr. Schwartz was an expert in DNA sequencing and pathogenic
> micro-organisms, who worked at the Center for Innovative
> Technology
> in Herndon, Va.
> Four days later, Nguyen Van Set, 44, died at work in
> Geelong,
> Australia, in a laboratory accident. He entered an airlocked
> storage
> lab and died from exposure to nitrogen. Other scientists at
> the
> animal diseases facility of the Commonwealth Scientific and
> Industrial Research Organization had just come to fame for
> discovering a virulent strain of mousepox, which could be
> modified to
> affect smallpox.
> Then in February, the Russian microbiologist Victor
> Korshunov, 56, an
> expert in intestinal bacteria of children around the world,
> was
> bashed over the head near his home in Moscow. Five days
> later the
> British microbiologist Ian Langford, 40, was found dead in
> his home
> near Norwich, England, naked from the waist down and wedged
> under a
> chair. He was an expert in environmental risks and disease.
> Two weeks later, two prominent microbiologists died in San
> Francisco.
> Tanya Holzmayer, 46, a Russian who moved to the U.S. in
> 1989, focused
> on the part of the human molecular structure that could be
> affected
> best by medicine.
> She was killed by fellow microbiologist Guyang (Matthew)
> Huang, 38,
> who shot her seven times when she opened the door to a pizza
> delivery. Then he shot himself.
> The final two deaths came one day after the other in March.
> David
> Wynn-Williams, 55, a respected astrobiologist with the
> British
> Antarctic Survey, who studied the habits of microbes that
> might
> survive in outer space, died in a freak road accident near
> his home
> in Cambridge, England. He was hit by a car while he was
> jogging.
> The following day, Steven Mostow, 63, known as Dr. Flu for
> his
> expertise in treating influenza, and a noted expert in
> bioterrorism,
> died when the airplane he was piloting crashed near Denver.
> So what does any of it mean?
> "Statistically, what are the chances?" wondered a prominent
> North
> American microbiologist reached last night at an
> international
> meeting of infectious-disease specialists in Chicago.
> Janet Shoemaker, director of public and scientific affairs
> of the
> American Society for Microbiology in Washington, D.C.,
> pointed out
> yesterday that there are about 20,000 academic researchers
> in
> microbiology in the U.S. Still, not all of these are of the
> elevated
> calibre of those recently deceased.
> She had a chilling, final thought. When microbiologists die
> in a lab,
> there's a way of taking note of the deaths and adding them
> up. When
> they die in freakish accidents outside the lab, nobody keeps
> track.
> Suspicious deaths
> The sudden and suspicious deaths of 11 of the world's
> leading
> microbiologists.
> Who they were:
> 1. Nov. 12, 2001:
> Benito Que was said to have been beaten in a Miami parking
> lot and died
> later.
> 2. Nov. 16, 2001:
> Don C. Wiley went missing. Was found Dec. 20. Investigators
> said he
> got dizzy on a Memphis bridge and fell to his death in a
> river.
> 3. Nov. 21, 2001:
> Vladimir Pasechnik, former high-level Russian microbiologist
> who
> defected in 1989 to the U.K. apparently died from a stroke.
> 4. Dec. 10, 2001:
> Robert M. Schwartz was stabbed to death in Leesberg, Va.
> Three
> Satanists have been arrested.
> 5. Dec. 14, 2001:
> Nguyen Van Set died in an airlock filled with nitrogen in
> his lab in
> Geelong, Australia.
> 6. Feb. 9, 2002:
> Victor Korshunov had his head bashed in near his home in
> Moscow.
> 7. Feb. 14, 2002:
> Ian Langford was found partially naked and wedged under a
> chair in
> Norwich, England.
> 8. 9. Feb. 28, 2002:
> San Francisco resident Tanya Holzmayer was killed by a
> microbiologist
> colleague, Guyang Huang, who shot her as she took delivery
> of a pizza
> and then apparently shot himself.
> 10. March 24, 2002:
> David Wynn-Williams died in a road accident near his home in
> Cambridge, England.
> 11. March 25, 2002:
> Steven Mostow of the Colorado Health Sciences Centre, killed
> in a
> plane he was flying near Denver.
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