[escepticos] Campos electro magnétcos : Genes dañados por radiación - Genes damaged by radiation

-- -- molinodehydra en gmail.com
Vie Nov 9 08:34:34 WET 2007

Lo entrego aquí en ingles, no tengo tiempo para traducirlo, pero si alguien
tiene mucho interés que lo pida y algún colistero podrá hacerlo.

Habla sobre los daños geneticos producidos por los campos electromagnéticos.
El pavo que lo dice es el jefe del proyecto Reflex, ese maldito estudio
europeo (11 países) financiado con fondos públicos -qué desperdicio de
dinero!- que encontró daños genéticos en la radiación microondas de la
telefonía móvil. Gracias a dios, a la semana siguiente de publicar estos
datos,  la siguiente fase del proyecto se canceló y no se ha vuelto a
estudiar nada más.


'Genes damaged by radiation'

'Connection between ERK-cascade and DNA-damage'

Prof. Franz Adlkofer suggests a connection between the ERK-cascade found by
Rony Seger and his team and the damage to DNA by high frequency
electromagnetic fields, as found by scientific research. The DNA-damage
might develop because the weak signal of the high frequency radiation is
detected and amplified.

Adlkofer suggested the connection at a meeting of the Open University at
Gelsenkirchen, Germany. Adlkofer of the Verum Foundation in München,
Germany, was the leader of the European Reflex Study. A significant increase
of damage to DNA by high frequency fields was found in part of the research.
The Rony Seger team of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel,
found that the so-calles ERK-cascade is activitated by high frequency
electromagnetic fields, at a 'non thermal' density.

The ERK-cascade is a relatively fast reaction to a signal detected by a
cell, working like a biological amplifier by transcription of proteins. ERK
is short for 'extracellular signal regulated kinase', a signal activated
enzym. The findings of the team were published by Friedman in the
peer-reviewed magazine Biochemical Journal.

Adlkofer was the leader of the Reflex-project ('Risk evaluation of potential
environmental hazards from low energy electromagnetic fields exposure using
sensitive in vitro methods'). The research found a significant increase of
DNA-breaking and micro-nuclei in certain cells influenced by non-thermal
high frequency fields. The Chinese researcher Xu (a member of a committee of
ICNIRP) had found the same before in 2005. The observations were confirmed
by Schär of the University of Basel, Switzerland, but could not be confirmed
by Speit of the University of Ulm, Germany. Why not, is unclear. As a matter
of fact, many more scientists foudn a significant increase of DNA-breaking,
among them Gandhi in India, who tested in vivo (living people with and
without mobile phone)

Adlkofer said that epidemiological studies, like the most recent research of
the Interphone studies, show that the chance of a brain tumor increases
after ten years. It is well known, that the time between DNA-damage and the
development of a tumor can be long. Adlkofer emphasized that it the
suggestion, that only thermal high frequency fields would have negative
consequences for health, is wrong. It is a fact without doubt that
DNA-damage and the amount of micro-nuclei can increase siginificantly,
though according to him it has not been confirmed in vivo sufficiently yet.
He said possibly the use of electromagnetic fields is a high risk for public

6 november 2007

- original sheets by Adlkofer, Open University, Gelsenkirchen, Germany,
version 27 09 07
- Friedman et al. (2007), Mechanisms of short-term ERK activation by
electromagnetic fields at mobile phone frequencies, Biochem J. 405: 559-568.

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