Re: The God Delusion (era: Re: [escepticos] El Salvador: AsambleaLegislativa aprueba castigar concárcel ofensas a dogmas religiosos)

Mar Mayo 22 09:58:21 WEST 2007

> Y, desde luego, esos párrafos de The God Delusion denotan una
> traducción "rápida y sucia".

Pues qué bien. Piqué y lo compré pudiendo leerlo en inglés sin  
problemas :/ Lo vi en el escaparate en la librería de al lado de casa...

"The thing he realised about the windows was this: because they had  
been converted into openable windows after they had first been  
designed to be impregnable, they were, in fact, much less secure than  
if they had been designed as openable windows in the first place."
    Douglas Adams, "Mostly Harmless"

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