[escepticos] Concilio ateo

Carlos Dominguez neuroglia.esceptica en gmail.com
Mar Dic 11 03:04:05 WET 2007

El día 10/12/07, Enrique Reyes <conen en idecnet.com> escribió:
Hola Enrique:

Te recomiendo leer la entrada completa
http://skepdic.com/news/newsletter74.html#3 porque
Carroll presume lo siguiente:

"Perhaps Harris meant only to suggest that it would be unreasonable to
dismiss reincarnation and the paranormal without a thorough rational

Es decir,Carroll presupone que QUIZAS se lo haya malinterpretado (porque
Harris no ha sido claro en su argumentación) en  "The End of Faith".

La parte esencial de la entrada (pero insisto en que conviene leerla
completa, mucho mejor ir al texto de Harris, pero no lo tengo)

"Harris presents himself and atheism as rational, yet he doesn't apply very
rigorous standards of rationality when dealing with the subjects of
reincarnation and the paranormal. One reader of the Skeptic's Dictionary
strongly urged me to remove the link to the "Atheist Manifesto." The reader
didn't think Harris was really an atheist because "Harris believes psi
phenomena are likely to be real and accepts Rupert Sheldrake and Dean Radin
as credible witnesses on this subject. He also says he believes there may be
empirical evidence for reincarnation." The reader cites a footnote on p. 232
of The End of Faith. I didn't remove the link to Harris's manifesto,
however. He's entitled to his views as to what he considers atheism to
imply. Anyway, a person can be an atheist and also believe in reincarnation
and the paranormal. But Harris seems to claim that it is his rationality
that has led him to atheism and should lead any other rational person to the
same conclusion.


> Hola,
> José María Mateos escribió:
> >> Esta claro que ser ateo no implica necesariamente ser escéptico en
> >> todo lo demás (aunque al revés sí debería ocurrir)... Qué le vamos a
> >> hacer.
> >
> >       Ejemplo patente de lo anterior: Sam Harris.
> >
> Vaya, ¿qué le pasó a Sam Harris?, por curiosidad.
> Saludos,
> ER
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